Medical Qualifications 

Professor Kefah Mokbel qualified in 1990 from the London Hospital Medical College; during his time at university he received several awards and was awarded the highest result of his year. He went on to receive Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons, England in 1994 and followed this with a Master of Surgery degree from the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine. For his Master's degree he carried out research into the molecular biology of breask cancer.

Medical Experience

Prof Mokbel holds a number of prestigious posts within London, including Professor of Breast Cancer Surgery at The Brunel Institute of Cancer Genetics and Pharmacogenomics, Honorary Consultant Breast Surgeon at St George's Hospital, and Consultant Breast Cancer Surgeon at the London Breast Institute at The Princess Grace Hospital, and works at Parkside Hospital in Wimbledon. Prof Mokbel is also President of Breast Cancer Hope, a British charity focused on improving the quality of life in women with breast cancer.

He has championed a number of pioneering techniques in breast cancer treatment, not least of all a method known as mammary ductoscopy. Alongside his interest in the prevention of breast cancer, Prof Mokbel specialises in the treatment of benign breast conditions such as breast cysts and fibroadenomas.

Prof Mokbel has been ranked as one of the top 5 breast cancer specialists in the UK and amongst the top 25 in the world. He says that the reason why he has such a good level of treatment outcome is because of his attitude to the care of his patients.

Articles written by Professor Kefah Mokbel

HRT: The Breast Surgeon's Perspective

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) alleviates the symptoms of the menopause and reduces the risk of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. This article discusses the benefits and risks associated with HRT for women who have had breast cancer.


Gynaecomastia, in simple terms means abnormally large breasts on men and derives from the Greek ‘gyne’ meaning women and ‘mastos’ meaning breasts. The condition is relatively common and affects approximately 40% of men. Also known as man boobs or ‘moobs’, gynaecomastia often resolves by itself but can be treated through change of lifestyle, drug medication, or surgery.

Understanding breast cysts

Lumps in the breast caused by cysts are benign and relatively common. This article discusses the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of breast cysts.

Understanding the causes of breast pain

Breast pain is extremely common and is rarely caused by cancer. This article explains how breast pain is investigated and treated.

The causes and treatment of breast discharge

  Although discharge of fluid from the nipple is usually due to hormone-related benign conditions it can also be a symptom of breast cancer. This article outlines the possible causes of breast discharge and explains how the cause is diagnosed and treated.

Reconstructive surgery following mastectomy for breast cancer

Approximately one in five patients with breast cancer will require a mastectomy rather than a lumpectomy. As mastectomy results in the distortion of the body image, it is natural for some patients to seek reconstructive surgery. However, some women are just relieved to have had the cancer removed and are not keen on having breast reconstruction. Although an external implant is available that can be put inside the brassiere, it may be inadequate for some women. The choice of reconstruction depends upon the woman's build, shape and size of her breasts, previous scars, and her own preferences.

Skin-sparing mastectomy for breast cancer

Breast reconstruction surgery provides huge benefits for women who undergo mastectomy for breast cancer. This article explains the benefits of a new surgical technique called skin-sparing mastectomy.

Are you at risk of getting breast cancer?

The risk of breast cancer increases with age but there are a number of other factors that also increase the risk. This article outlines these additional factors and explains what the implications of an increased risk factor are.