About TotalDoctor
TotalDoctor is for patients.
TotalDoctor is for the GPs, medical specialists, consultants, hospitals and clinics who care for patients
It's your health. It's your choice.

What is TotalDoctor?
A patient-centric integrated and interoperable digital healthcare platform that empowers by providing authoritative information, informed choice and the ability to navigate smoothly and seamlessly along the most appropriate treatment pathway, improving clinical outcomes and the whole patient experience.
TotalDoctor offers a transformative and sustainable approach to modern healthcare delivery.
A single platform for patients navigating all aspects of healthcare
The TotalDoctor integrated and interoperable digital healthcare platform provides patients with all of the following:
- Access to high-quality relevant and authoritative medical information and advice.
- Access to a highly advanced e-Triage system to guide you to the most appraise help.
- Rapid access to secure, remote consultations with General Practitioners and/or Specialist Consultants.
- Direct access to booking face-to-face appointments with General Practitioners and Specialist Consultants.
- Integration with GP practice management system and health records.
- Rapid access to medical investigations such as laboratory testing and high-quality imaging.
- Streamlined patient flow across all healthcare delivery.
By bringing all of the above into one high-quality, easy-to-access, easy-to-use, efficient and affordable platform, TotalDoctor delivers seamless rapid access to comprehensive healthcare.
TotalDoctor for patients
When you have concerns about your health having to wait to see a doctor is very difficult. We know how vital it is to get a timely diagnosis and access to specialist treatment when you need it. The TotalDoctor team have been at the forefront of helping people to become more informed about health conditions, treatment options and the choices that are available.
TotalDoctor aims to make it as straightforward as possible for you to access appropriate healthcare – from initial GP consultation to diagnostic testing and specialist referral - using our unique technology enabled patient portal.
It’s your health. It’s your choice.
Expertise in remote medicine
Over the past two years, Dr Amarjit Raindi (TotalDoctor’s Medical Director for Primary Care) has pioneered the medical use of integrated guidance technology to conduct remote examinations that would otherwise have to be performed in a medical clinic setting. Real-time information capture on a wide range of medical data greatly assists doctors in assessing and monitoring their patients’ health to guide best possible care.
Dr Raindi says, "The use of the latest health technology can have a transformative affect on the way that healthcare is delivered, and can greatly improve the patient experience".

TotalDoctor for healthcare professionals
GPs and family doctors
The TotalDoctor integrated digital health platform provides many unique clinical and commercial benefits to GPs and family doctors within the private sector.
Some of the key features are:
- Access to fully validated secure, independent e-triage and patient navigation
- Enhanced patient acquisition and sector focus
- Automated patient booking and billing
- Integrated diaries
- Integration with Practice Management System and health records
- Access to choice of specialists and e-referral
- Option to team up with a CQC registered clinic
If you are interested in joining please contact Michelle - info@totaldoctor.co.uk

TotalDoctor for private sector consultants and clinics
The TotalDoctor websites have been providing top-quality information and advice to patients for over 15 years with over 50,000 visitors per month. The web-synergy is created by a family of patient-facing, consultant-led websites including ConsultantProfile.co.uk, ConsultantSearch.co.uk and TotalHealth.co.uk
These websites have now all been amalgamated into the single integrated TotalDoctor platform.
The TotalDoctor platform now offers patients:
- access to the thousands of pages of high-quality medical information and advice on the TotalHealth website,
- a state-of-the-art on-line e-Triage system: TotalTriage, that gives patients rapid access to an online opinion from a private GP, with onward referral to a GP or consultant where needed,
- direct booking of virtual tele-consults with private GP,
- direct booking of face-to-face appointments with private GPs,
- online booking of appointments with consultants (direct to your diary if you use the Semble practice management software, or via your secretary if you use any other practice management software, such as Meddbase, DGL etc)

A single clinical and commercial solution
No patient / no fee; TotalDoctor only take a nominal admin fee for any new patient referred. You, the Consultant, are free to set your own fees, as you see fit, and there are no further fees from TotalDoctor for any future follow-up appointments or procedures that the patient might require. Payment is automatically taken from the patient by the TotalDoctor platform, with your fees then being passed on to you by us. There is no monthly fee or subscription, and if you receive no referrals, then you pay nothing!
The new TotalDoctor platform is a great way for you to:
- increase your online presence,
- make yourself more accessible to the TotalDoctor private GP network,
- receive direct referrals from the TotalDoctor private GPs and
- receive direct patient referrals via TotalDoctor website, with payment taken from patients in advance, at the time of booking - all on a no-booking, no-fee basis.
You are encouraged to update your profiles, contacts and articles via your own link and we are happy to help.
Please feel free to contact me on info@totaldoctor.co.uk if you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance.
With best wishes,
Michelle, Clinic Manager, TotalDoctor

TotalDoctor for NHS hospital insourcing
Bridging the gap between the private sector and public sectors
TotalDoctor and NHS Insourcing
Linking the TotalDoctor Digital Healthcare Platform with the NHS insourcing model provides individual NHS Trusts and specialist departments with a total administrative and medical 'health-tech' solution. Due to record patient waiting lists, many hospitals are currently seeking to address their treatment backlogs and associated sub-optimum clinical outcomes, with highly cost-effective and seamless end-to-end patient navigation to manage the following:
- initial digital triage,
- administration / booking,
- outpatient consultations (digital and physical),
- pre-assessments,
- appropriate treatment option (surgery etc),
- diagnostics and
- follow-up.

The medical economic and political environment
As has recently been pointed out by the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) the NHS today faces some of its greatest challenges. Since 2010, improvements in healthy life expectancy have slowed and health inequalities have been increasing, set against a backdrop of a decade of austerity, political reaction to Covid-19 and the current cost-of-living crisis.
New models of medical service provision
Transformative and sustainable solutions to the twin problems of treatment backlogs and escalating costs are what is required. The stated aim for new models of service delivery is effective use of technology in order to maximise the impact of digital care when possible combined with physical treatment where necessary.
TotalDoctor is:
A Digital Healthcare Platform (DHP) that facilitates and streamlines end-to-end patient navigation. It is interoperable and is integrated into existing healthcare systems (such as appointments, practice management systems (PMS), patient archiving systems (PAS) and electronic patient records (EPR) - and has application for both the NHS and private healthcare sector.
Why is seamless, end-to-end patient navigation key?
Detailed analysis carried out over many years has repeatedly shown that improving patient access to and flow across health systems:
1. Improves clinical outcomes
2. Improves the patient experience
3. Saves time and money by removing duplication of effort and inefficiency
4. Is ultimately more cost-effective
What does the TotalDoctor Digital Healthcare Platform (DHP) offer?
- Provision of patient-facing information
- Digital Triage
- Secure online Consultations ( Primary & Secondary care, NHS & Private)
- Secure remote Consultations (Primary & Secondary care, NHS & Private)
- Pre-Assessment
- Patient-initiated follow-ups - enabling patients to be in control of their treatment journey
- Access to notes and patient records
- Asynchronous doctor / patient communications
- Secure platform for multi-disciplinary meetings (MDT)