Medical Qualifications

Mr Simon Marsh is a prize winning Cambridge graduate. He trained at Trinity College, Cambridge and The Clinical School, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. He is one of the few students to have been awarded the William Harvey Studentship two years running. He qualified in 1987, having been awarded a BA in 1985. He was granted an MA in 1992 and was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1992. He was awarded an MD by the University of Cambridge in 1996 and in the same year received the Intercollegiate Fellowship in General surgery. 

Medical Training and Experience

Mr Marsh was appointed a consultant in Colchester in 1999 and joined The London Breast Clinic at 108 Harley Street the same year. He is now Lead Clinician at the Colchester Breast Unit and he divides his time equally between the NHS and The London Breast Clinic. He maintains an active interest in research and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Essex University where he has been responsible for setting up the Essex University MD programme for surgeons in training.  He is involved in the treatment of over 400 breast cancer patients each year.

Acknowledged internationally as a leading expert in breast cancer, Mr Marsh provides his Harley Street patients with the benefit of the latest treatment approaches and works with a multidisciplinary team of other breast cancer experts including Clinical Genetic Oncologists, Radiologists and Oncologists.


Treatment options

Languages spoken:


Articles written by Mr Simon Marsh

Types of Groin Injury and when Surgery is Indicated

Groin Injuries A groin tear can be hugely painful and there is often confusion caused by the varying medical terminology. A groin tear syndrome is often referred to as Gilmore's Groin, however, the names or diagnostic terminology may also include the following types of terms: Groin disruption Inguinal disruption Sportsman's hernia Inguinal related groin pain  

Why do Patients with Breast Cancer need Gene Testing?

Why Breast Cancer Patients, and their Relatives benefit from Genetic Testing Most patients with estrogen receptor-positive and Her2/neu-negative breast tumours, even if the abnormal, uncotrolled growth has infiltrated the lymphatic system have an excellent prognosistic outcome. The EndoPredict test identifies those patients who are at low risk for tumour re-occurrence. What this means is that many patients can avoid unnecessary toxic therapy, and have the knowledge that they are sufficiently treated with a five-year anti-hormonal therapy requiring no extended therapy.

Breast Cancer FAQs

This article by an acknowledged breast cancer expert answers the questions that are most frequently asked about breast cancer. These include questions about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. 

I have a lump in my breast. How will the cause be diagnosed?

It is completely understandable that you will be worried about the possibility of cancer if you have found a lump in your breast, but remember; most breast lumps are not cancer. The most likely cause for a lump depends on your age. 

I’ve been told I have breast cancer. What treatment will I have?

This article discusses the different types of treatment for breast cancer and explains how breast cancer treatment is tailored.

I’ve been told I have a benign breast lump. What should I do?

The majority of lumps in the breast are benign, which means that they are not caused by cancer. This article outlines the different type of benign breast lump that can occur and explains whether any treatment is necessary.