Mr Neale Watson FRCOG graduated from the Royal Free Hospital in London and started his career in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Birmingham where he developed his interest in gynaecological endocrinology. 

This interest developed further when he became a research fellow for Professor John Studd at King's College, London.  He has published extensively on the menopause, osteoporosis and premenstrual syndrome.  He continued his interest as a lecturer at Oxford University.  He is also a laparoscopic surgeon and is a highly experienced fertility expert.  Mr Watson provides NHS services as a Consultant Gynaecologist at Hillingdon Hospital and privately at the IVF clinic at the Lister Hospital in Chelsea, and at the London PMS & Menopause Clinic on Wimpole Street.

He has continued his research within fertility and specifically around the conservation of ovarian function, including developing techniques to grow ovarian tissue.  He provides advanced treatment approaches in gynaecological procedures and has performed many laparoscopic hysterectomies for gender reassignment patients, as well as normal gynaecological problems.  He is a member of the British Menopause Society and a registered expert in the menopause.  He is Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Mr Watson believes that women require a far better level of care for treating symptoms of the menopause than they all too often experience when seeing their GP. Many GPs won’t bother testing hormone levels when women in their late forties and early fifties come to them with issues that may be related to the ‘change’. It’s taken as a given that oestrogen levels will be dipping, explaining the presence of certain symptoms. Mr Watson says that this approach is not good enough and that women deserve better.




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